Mbah Marijan in Memoriam

Raden Ngabehi Surakso Hargo or better known as Mbah Marijan (real name: Mas Penewu Surakso Hargo; born in the hamlet of Kinahrejo, Village Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, 1927; died in Sleman, Yogyakarta, October 26, 2010 age 83 years) is an interpreter Key Mount Merapi. Work as a caretaker was obtained from Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwana IX. Each Mount Merapi would erupt, local residents are always waiting for the command from him to flee.

He took office as a caretaker deputy in 1970. Position as a caretaker and his clothing since 1982. Since the incidence of Mount Merapi would erupt in 2006, Mbah Maridjan increasingly popular.

Mbah Maridjan in Memoriam

Mbah Maridjan in Memoriam

Mbah Maridjan in Memoriam

Mbah Maridjan in Memoriam

Mbah Maridjan in Memoriam

Mbah Maridjan in Memoriam

Mbah Maridjan in Memoriam

Mbah Maridjan in Memoriam