A strength of Ants

Ants are insects that come from a family eusosial Formisidae, and ants are included in the order Himenoptera along with bees and wasps. Ants are divided into more than 12,000 groups, with a large number of comparisons in the tropics. Ants are known to nest-nest colonies and orderly, which sometimes consist of thousands of ants per colony. Types of ants are divided into worker ants, ants, male and queen ants.

Ants are the strongest animals on earth. Although a small body, he is able to sustain the body with a load of 50 times his weight. If the complaint with a very large animals like elephants or gorillas, which can only sustain a maximum of up to three times the object of his weight.

A strength of Ants

A strength of Ants

A strength of Ants

A strength of Ants

A strength of Ants

A strength of Ants

A strength of Ants